Monday, September 22, 2008

Seeking first

Have you ever gone looking for something, and on the way discovered a forgotten treasure? I set out recently to find a jounal to recall some of the ways the Lord had worked in my life. As I dug through my crowded drawers, seeking that old journal, I came across a letter that my mom had written me. My heart jumped as her familiar handwriting peeked through the stack of papers I was rummaging through. It was as if she was speaking to me again. I sat quietly and just stared at my name on the envelope. I read the short note and then finished by treasuring the closing."Love, Mommy", it said. A few precious moments spent re-reading a note sent many years ago. The note wasn't what I set out to find, but indeed it was an added blessing along the way.

Matthew 6:33 says "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Keep seeking Him first! You never know what he may add along the way! I learned that again!

Praise HIM!