Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The polls are just beginning to close in some of the east coast states. Northerners, southerners, young and old, the entire melting pot we call America, waits to see who will lead us. Who will be President? Who will win congressional seats? Will my taxes go up or down? Will more people find jobs or lose them? Will the economy rebound or falter further? So many questions.

I don't know who will win. And I certainly don't know what kind of changes to expect in America after the election. I don't know a lot of things.

But this I DO know:
I know that I love and serve a God who never changes. Who is the "same yesterday and today and forever" (Heb. 13:8)
I know that my GOD can carry the weight of my worries and my government, for as Isaiah 9:6 says, the "government will be on his shoulders."
And I know that instead of worrying about all the questions, or even the answers, that I should look to His Word for truth and for comfort. Phil 4:6 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

So I petition to our GOD to hear our prayers.
Lord, I thank you for your strength in times of uncertainty. I thank you for your leadership in our lives. Help the change, that we so desire, to begin in our own hearts, in our own families. Use our new leaders in America for YOUR glory! Help me Lord to be a good citizen of the United States and most especially, a good citizen of your kingdom. For we know Lord, that one day "every knee will bow" to YOU! Father, I praise your HOLY NAME!