Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lost pup

As I drove home from Walmart tonight, I came to a four way stop sign and saw the red glint of an animal's eyes heading toward my car. As I stopped, an old wolf-looking dog ambled up to my car door. Nose up toward my window, I couldn't help but notice he looked scared and lost. I stopped the car, got out to pet him, and checked for identification. He had on only a red bark collar and another collar. His old gray face perked up a bit as I stood and petted him. I tried coaxing him into my car in the hopes of driving around to find his home... or something. I felt helpless. Nothing I tried persuaded him to get into my car. He finally walked away, leaving me crying in the dark and wondering if he would find his way home.
I drove quickly back to my house to get a few biscuits and my dog- loving 13 year old son. We drove back to where I had last seen my gentle friend... but he was gone. I guess sometimes you only get one chance with the lost.

I am so very humbled and so very thankful that we have a God who seeks the lost. If not, this is one gal who may still be wandering in the dark, looking for home.

Ezekiel 34:16 "I will search for the lost and bring back the strays"


  1. Like the lost dog, we often turn away from the help that can bring us safely home. It is so comforting to know that He is always there ready to take us back in when we choose to accept. Thanks for the uplifting story :)


    God Bless
    Crystal <>< (SAHM)
