Monday, February 11, 2008

Love Letter (re-post)

This is a repost from last fall. I'm off to Washington, DC with my youngest on a one week field trip. To my Chuckles, see you on Thursday!
Dear sweet precious one,
I remember the day you were born. You and I both labored for you to make your way into the world. Each of us struggling with one final push and then there you were. That moment everything changed. I was captivated by you. Oh, how I cherish that first moment when the doctor handed you to me. I held you close and watched you breathe. I felt your little heart beating so quickly under your tiny chest. I looked at your tiny fingers and toes, counted them one by one. I breathed deeply the sweet scent of your freshly born baby skin. I touched your nose and lips and precious downy hair. I peered deeply into your eyes and wondered what you must be thinking. I remember whispering "Hello little one. I am your mommy and I love you. Your daddy and I love you." Yes, precious one, everything changed.

It has been a while since we were first introduced. I no longer have to count your fingers and toes. But sweet child of mine, I still like to step into your room at night and watch you breathe peacefully as you sleep, or smell your sweet skin, or touch your hair. O child you are more precious to me than you were even the day we first met. I have watched you walk and stumble, pray and fall, wound and be wounded. I am still watching, waiting, hoping and loving. I love you dear child. A love that at times completely overwhelms me.

I am at once struck by both amazement and peace to know that I have a Heavenly Father who chooses to love me like that. A FATHER who has watched me walk and stumble and pray and fall. One who has watched me wound and be wounded. A Father who still watches and waits, who hopes and loves. Who calls me His child. Who loves me. A love that at times completely overwhelms me.

Father, thank you for choosing to love me. Sometimes it is easy, so easy to love my own beautiful children and yet so difficult to understand how you could love me. But I thank you that you do and I humbly accept your love Lord. I thank you for the moment that YOU changed everything.

Romans 8:38-39For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Praise Him!


  1. Amen, Sister! Praise Him! How great is the love He has lavished on us that He would call us children of God (1 Jn 3:1).

    You brought tears to my eyes again after leaving that last comment. Thank you for your weighty thoughts.

  2. Thanks for doing this Kim...DW

  3. Thanks Kim, for all you do. Pam

  4. Thank you so all for taking the time to read and leave a note.
    Angie, God's word does that, brings tears to my eyes too!
    DW: Love you guys!
    Pam, thank you sweet sister!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Oh my goodness, this is a beautiful post!

  7. I do the same thing with my children. They don't know it though. I often wonder if God feels some of the same things as we do when we allow our children to experiment on their own only to see them make poor choices. Another great post Kim. Thanks.

  8. Hope you have a great trip and get home safely.

    Beautiful love letter. I too, thank God for loving me. Have a wonderful time. Will look forward to seeing you when you return . connie fRom Texas

  9. This is one of my all-time fav posts of yours. Have a good, safe trip!

  10. Beautiful.

    Amazing love, how can it it be that Thou my God should die for me...

    Hope you have a nice trip!

  11. Miss you & thinking about you. Hope you're having a great time.


  12. Hey everyone! I'm on the hotel computer and will be heading out of Washington, DC tomorrow morning! What a great, and exhausting week, it has been being with Chad and his classmates and teachers. And what a great country we have. I love coming here to DC! To Greg, Connie, Mike, Susan, and Angie...can't wait to have time to catch up on what you have written this week. Thank you for your comments! Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! Angie, love the new picture icon.

  13. A beautiful letter. I wrote a letter to my daughter when she went of to university which I still have and plan to post eventually.
