Monday, November 26, 2007

The Unexpected

What a wonderful long Thanksgiving weekend! Each year, as our children grow older, the time we spend together becomes more and more precious! My husband and I absolutely delight in their company!

I don't know how you spent your time but we spent a busy fun-filled few days in our home. We had one yummy Thursday of eating turkey, one frazzled Friday of after-Thanksgiving shopping, and one chilly Saturday ready for our annual tromp to purchase the Christmas tree. It is a tradition that my children have come to expect. And we are all too happy to oblige!

As much as we love cutting down our own tree, time is short this year so we decided to forgo that tradition. Off to the lot around the corner with the freshest trees in town. It took us all of about 15 minutes to find the tree perfectly grown(and cut) for us! We loaded it in the trunk and made the two mile trip back to our home. The frasier fir we chose was positioned in its new stand and we added the twinkling white lights. Sunday, after church, the five of us gathered around the lit tree and began doing what many of you do. We turned on the Christmas music, made hot chocolate, and began unloading the boxes of old ornaments. I love to hear my children recall memories of their favorite bauble. I love to hold some of the handmade trimmings, garnished with love by a godmother gone to be with the Lord, or by my once small child now entering teen years or adulthood. The last items added are always the shiny red bead garlands and the plaid bows, both now over 15 years old. Standing back, it appears just the way we have come to expect our tree to look. Sweet, sweet memories.

You can imagine my surprise when I stepped into the sunroom at 6:30am today, ready to add water to the stand, and found the tree...fallen. Flat. As in flat on the floor. It is not what I expected this morning. Not what I expected at all.

I just could not get that word out of my head all day.
An angel speaking to Mary. A virgin with child.
The child "will be called the Son of God".
Wrapped in cloths. Placed in a manger.
A most unexpected arrival for the awaited Savior.
The God of the universe placed into the arms of a young Mary his Son, who in turn placed Him into a manger. The world placed Him on a cross heavy with all our sin and in turn He placed us back in the presence of God. Unexpected.

Lord, Most High, thank you for sending your Son. Thank you for making a way for us to be forever in your presence. Keep me in eager expectation of YOU! Expecting the unexpected! Thank you!
Praise Him!


  1. I am an avid end-time watcher. As much as I watch for my Jesus to call me to meet Him in the air, I know it will still be be...unexpected.

    (I have something for you at Sonflower.)

  2. We also went out and got our tree but have not finished decorating it.
    On Thanksgiving, we had some unexpected unpleasent (financial) news dropped on us like a ton of bricks. Then out of the blue my sister called and the first words out of her mouth were: "I just wanted you to know that I am thankful that you are my brother and I love you" :) Bad news....what bad news? Love is all around if you only open your eyes.

    Great post,

  3. Angie! What a dear sister you are to me as well!

    Greg: Thank you for sharing!I am sorry to hear about any financial hardships; thank you for sharing about how you CHOSE to look at what is the important thing. I pray I can remember to choose that way when disappointments come my way.
    Praise Him!
