Friday, January 11, 2008


Have you ever felt so deeply for someone who later rejected you? If you have, you probably know the constricted feeling in your throat, that awful tightness, that comes as you try to hold back tears when he or she calls after a long bout of silence. So, here is my question. Do you think that God Himself, who longs for a relationship with us all, gets that same choked up feeling when He is rejected by one that He created?


  1. Very interesting question. I want to say yes but I think the feeling may be a little different. Have you ever given a present to a child that was spoiled? One that had been given everything they ever wanted or needed. Then you come along and give them a present from the heart and they toss it aside like it means nothing. On one hand you want to pick them up and smack the tar out of them but on the other hand you feel a little sorry and sad for them. I think that is more of the feeling God has. People tend to put value on monitary things and not what really matters. Things like family, friendship, health and life itself.

  2. Greg:Thank you for bringing a different perspective. I had not even thought of it in that way. Have a great weekend!

  3. What a thought. He truly is longsuffering. Thank You God that you are not willing that any would perish, but that all would come to repentance. May today be the day of salvation for many, in Jesus' name.

  4. Yes, Lord..that none would perish! Amen Angie.

  5. God weeps for us. He stands out on the road looking for us and when he sees us he picks up his cloak and runs to meet us. Praise God!

  6. Mike: Chills from your comment. How beautifully said!

  7. Oh, it looks like we agree...He so much more than chokes up! Thank you Barbara!

  8. ouch. I have a teenage son going through that right now-his forst love dosent love him back-I just hate that for him. Scripture does say God is a jealous God, so probably yes, he does hurt over our not running to Him.
