Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Little Help

We all need a little help sometimes. On Sunday evening, after a good bowl of home-made vegetable soup, we all sat down to watch old home movies. It was so much fun. A memory walk down over twenty-two years of our family life. We purchased our camera shortly after the birth of our first child. And like every Dad with a new gadget, my husband filmed everything Ashley, our first, did.

He documented on film her laughing, her crying, her crawling, her walking, and her eating out of the dog bowl....Yikes! (You could hear me scolding him in the background on that one!) We filmed Chad our youngest when he was able to participate in his first Easter egg hunt. We would ask, "do you see an egg?" and he would respond the same way everytime in his 2 year old delighted and oh so squeally voice "Yes, I doooo!" Adorable, at least to us.

But one of my very favorite memories that we relived Sunday night was when Ashley, who was about 3 and 1/2 years old, tried to teach her one year old sister how to play golf. Our own budding Tiger Woods first tried explaining directions on how to hit the golf ball. Next, she tried showing Molly by example. " See, you put your hand here and here. Then you swing at the ball. Look Molly!" She finally grabbed Molly's hands and put them on the club "Like this Molly". Attempts by the young student to remove her hands from the vice grip were thwarted handily by Ashley. Determined , Ash continued on. At last, the teacher was able to keep the bare tips of her young pupils fingers on the club and actually swung for her. Encourager that she was, she then said "that was great Molly!"

We all need a little help sometimes. There are times when we need some explanation. Other times we need to be shown by example. But sometimes, sometimes when we just can't do something by ourself, we need a fellow sojourner to grab us by the hand and swing for us!

Lord, I am thankful that when we need help, You are there. I praise you for your Word which instructs us, giving us directions and DIRECTION. I am overwhelmed by how over and over You show us by example how to live. How to love. So that all men will know that we are your disciples. And in those times when we keep trying to do life on our own, attempting failed swing after failed swing, you gently grab us by the hand and swing for us! I Praise You LORD!

John 13:34, 35: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Praise HIM!


  1. Adorable story of your children. I love the way you connect a spiritual application to everyday life. You have a gift for that.

    Your story reminded me of my oldest daughter Ashleigh "witnessing" to her younger sister Bethany. I hated to discourage her from it because I knew her heart just wanted to make sure Bethany would live with Jesus someday. Ashleigh would ask Bethany over and over again, "Bethany, do you want to go to hell?". Of course, Bethany did not want to go to hell and repented many, many times. Ashleigh would then let me know that she got Bethany saved. It did make it rather confusing to know when Bethany eventually gave her heart to the Lord for real, but I am sure God honored Ashleigh's persistence. (And today Bethany walks with the Lord not only because she didn't want to go to hell, but because she loves her Savior!)

  2. Our sweet children! Thank you for your encouragement and for your story of your Ashleigh and Bethany!

  3. Oh this was a precious post. I think we help each other with these funny things called blogs...so many helpers. Also makes me want to praise God, my heavenly Helper!

    Thank you, Kim. ((hug))

  4. Great story. Whenever I ask for help (and it is often) he gives it to me. He is always there for me and all I have to do is pray and he hears me. Isn't that comforting?

  5. Just over visiting from Connie's. Your oldest daughter sounds like a sweetheart! Patient and sweet at such a young age.

  6. He is indeed so patient with us isn't He?

  7. OH Angie, how much I agree with you! I have been encouraged and helped so often by my blogging buddies! Hugs back!
    Greg: I tell you what, it is when I don't ask Him for help that I get myself into trouble!
    Maggie Ann: I'm so glad you visited today! God is so good to open doors of friendship through this old computer!
    Mike: What a great and patient God we serve, indeed!

  8. What a great post! Loved this. Thanks for the encouragement today!
    Thanks for entering my contest too!
    Much love,

  9. THanks for commenting on my blog! Your site is so cute!

  10. Angela: Thank you for visiting!
    Liv: I'm so glad your mom told me about your blog! What a great site it is! Keep writing to HIS Glory!

  11. Oh how sweet!!! I love home movies and the vivid memories they evoke.

    I love your thoughts too! After reading your post, I am reminded of what God says in Leviticus 25:23. "For you are strangers and sojourners WITH ME."

    Praise God He's with us all the way!

  12. Susan Kelly Skitt: A big Amen to your thoughts!

  13. Such fun to do that, sit down and watch old family movies. We never had a movie camera in our young days but we did have everything on transparencies. My son is in the process of getting them all onto a CD for me so that I can load them on to the computer. Much easier.

  14. "I get by with a little help from my friends" is the line from a song that comes to mind!

  15. Lauren: I was singing it the whole time I was writing. I may have told you that I have a song in my head constantly, but my family makes me promise to keep it there (in my head! ) ;)

  16. I loved reliving some of your precious memories with you of your family. They are so sweet. I am thankful that we have a Lord who give us "directions and direction" also. Thank you. connie from Texas

  17. Kim, it has been a great week for me in my First Place journey and I know I appreciate your encouragement and emails. It makes all the difference when we know others are walking with us and praying for our success. God is indeed good and we already have the most important "prize" if we know Jesus.

    God bless
