Monday, March 24, 2008

This I know

"Jesus loves me, this I know..... ". I had the pure and utter delight of listening to, and singing with, a group of 7 toddlers in Sunday school recently. And you know, when toddlers sing, they really SING. Raise the roof loud kind of singing. I wish that every one of you reading this could have been there. Loved it!

It is one of those moments to hang onto. The moment to remember when life doesn't sing. Like when the new sheet doesn't fit the mattress. Or when the spaghetti sauce adorns your new spring shirt. Or when your best laid plans are interrupted. Little things or big things. Whether it is a blip on the screen of your day or a life altering event, unexpected, unplanned, and even dreaded things happen in our lives.

There are not many things in this world that we can count on to be fitting, true, or lifelong. But this one thing I KNOW: Jesus loves me. And He loves you too!Isn't it wonderful to have that kind of surety. Isn't it wonderful to hear the voices of young children remind you of this truth! The God we serve, we can count on! Forever!

Exodus 6:7 "I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians."

1 John 3:16 "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. ..."

Praise HIM!


  1. I took a little trip down memory lane myself today. I love listening to little children sing and talk about Jesus. Great verses too. Thanks.

  2. Bless God-He is the only One Who is truely faithful to me-when its painful and when He has blessing for me...He always is Faithful!
    Thanks for what you shared-love 7 blessings!

  3. A simple but powerful message. Let's belt it out like those little ones...JESUS LOVES ME...

  4. I am so thankful that Jesus loved a rotten sinner such as me. He loved me enough to die for me even when I had no love for Him.

    I have spent many, many Sunday's listening to little children singing "Jesus Loves Me." There is nothing more precious except when I taught my own children to sing that song. I am so glad that they know it deep down in their hearts today. God bless the little children. connie from Texas

  5. Yes, Kim, He is our security, forever and nothing can change that, Praise God! It's good to sing to Him!

  6. I LOVE children and how they are so free in worship. It is a blessing,
    Much love,

  7. Hi, just wanted to revisit & let you know I'm still praying for that situation.

    Also, here is a blog I know you will enjoy...

  8. A very nice reminder of the simplicity of the gospel. Yes, He love me, this is KNOW!!!!!

  9. Greg, Robin,Angie, Mike, Connie, Susan, Angela, and Penless: Thank you so much for visiting and posting a comment! What a Jesus we have who LOVES us!! Blessings to you all!

  10. Also, thanks for leaving a comment on my survey question!

  11. I have had several large "blips" in my life lately and it is so comforting to know that He is God. Praise Him!
