A friend came into the room I was sitting in this morning. Totally out of breath. I was almost afraid for her. She told me in sentences, broken with deep breaths, that she had just climbed a flight of stairs to try and get to church on time.
I was there just one short year ago. Explaining to others why my conversations were stilted. Why I couldn't walk up the stairs any more quickly. Why I couldn't play basketball with my son. It is amazing what extra weight does to our bodies. It is amazing that it took me so long to do something about it.
But here I am, one year later. Although this weight loss journey is FAR from over, I am closer than I could have imagined 13 months ago. Sometimes all it takes is to take the first step to health. The first day of healthy eating. The first moment of surrender.
Just over one year ago, I surrendered "oreo" cookies. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with those delicious creme filled chocolate cookies. But they were representative to me of all that was wrong with my diet. I tell you this, and you can laugh if you want, but in my spirit I heard the need to lay them on the altar. So I got off of the couch, where I had planted myself along with the cookies and milk, and physically put the package on the fireplace...the closest thing to anything resembling an altar in my home. I knelt before the Lord and surrendered to HIM. I couldn't do it my way any longer. And as my friend Lauren at Faith Fuel http://championyourdreams.blogspot.com/ writes: "He takes the white flag of surrender out of your hand, and in replacement,He puts His own Hand in yours. " What a beautiful picture!
Waving the white flag is not a sign of defeat to HIM, it is a request for victory. Victory in HIM. It is a sign of our hope in HIM. And in that hope, we are promised renewed strength.(Is.40:31) Please know that surrender, for me, is not a one-time event. It is part of my daily walk with HIM. I guarantee you that everytime I attempt to do this weight loss dance without HIM, I end up with egg (or is that ice cream) on my face and extra pounds in my pockets. But with our GOD, we can begin again. And I do.
Oh, I am so very thankful for HIS invitation to surrender. Grateful that His invitation is open to all. For I have learned that I am a winner when I walk in Christ's victory. And in HIS victory I am a loser....of pounds that is! Thank you Jesus! Praise HIM!
Please read the prayer request post below this post. Thank you!
Is 40:31: "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
ReplyDeleteThank you for your inspiration. I have laid my doughnuts on my alter. That is my weakness, in the last 8 months I have given in twice, but I get back on and do the next right thing.
Love ya lots,
My 300+ calories per day of CocaCola was my biggest hurdle and remains my biggest temptation because it is so readily available and the Splenda Coke which God was provided so timely (I Cor. 10:13) is not available in machines at work, restaurants, etc. But the good thing is, God is faithful to remind me that I can resist it with His power, though not my own, and I believe it has been over a year since I have let Satan win that battle. Thanking God for Splenda Coke and that almost all machines that have Coke also have bottled water!Kay
ReplyDeleteThanks for your visit and encourging comments.
ReplyDeleteI well remember Oreo cookies at camp in north Carolina. The children would turn them into Smores and they loved them.
I am on the same diet. I tried it alone and kept failing. Now I simply ask for strength and direction from Him every day and I get it. I know I will make it this time. Praise God.
ReplyDeleteKim, You continue to be a spiritual teacher and inspiration to me. Thanks for surrendering your life so that Christ can work through you to "will and do His pleasure." In Christ's love, Cheryl C
ReplyDeleteAmen to that!
ReplyDeleteMuch love,
Lifting up your friends in prayer too.
Love your honesty here! We are all casting off the things that weigh us down. It's so good to get free.
ReplyDeleteAnd walking in that freedom, stay free.
Karina, Kay,Barbara, Greg, Cheryl, Angela and Lauren: Let's keep on walking in His victory! I've noticed as I surrender myself to HIM, He takes me another step forward. Yay HIM!
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting and for sharing!
What a wonderful testimony. You've inspired me to lay down my Red Hots and my Chocolate chip mint ice cream. Hugs! Ann
ReplyDeleteA great post so full of inspiration and hope. Have a great day. You have done a great job. connie from Texas
ReplyDeleteHello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://tv-digital-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
ReplyDeleteThat surrender picture has stuck with me and now you have added dimension to the image. I appreciate your honesty. I've been known to down a sleeve of Oreos in a sitting (w/milk of course). Interesting that sin entered this world with food, huh?
ReplyDeleteHow very true Angie!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing you testimony; you are sending encouragement my way!
ReplyDeleteenjoying this post.
ReplyDeleteenjoying this blog.
mandy - just a girl