Monday, May 26, 2008

Bad News, Good News

Soaring gas prices, declining property values, and messages of fear and dread are filling the world. I must admit, I too have succumbed to the nagging thought that life as we know it may soon disappear. I don't like that feeling. And so I remember. I remember my God.

I remember that God is my Deliverer. He is the "ever present help in trouble" (Ps.46:1). I remember that His faithfulness assuages the hangover of alarm left by the nightly news. "He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD."(Ps.112: 7) I remember that when these disturbing feelings of anxiety envelope me that I have a Savior who calls me to Himself, calls me to bring my burdens to Him. Phil 4:6-7"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. "

Yes, even though American Airlines has announced they will begin charging for each piece of luggage you check, we have ONE that has promised to carry all our baggage. The price to us: FREE. So when the world seems to be falling apart, and worry seems to be your constant companion,stand on the ONE who is not falling apart. Stand on the truth of HIS Word. No matter how you feel.

Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

Praise HIM!


  1. Thank you! I'm also reminded of Matthew 6:25-34. Blessings.

  2. Great post. I really don't think the world has changed much though. There are different troubles but the world has always been in trouble. It started way back in the garden. Like you said though, there is good news for all who believe. Praise God for sending Jesus to save us all.

  3. Kim, isn't it wonderful to know that God is in control, in spite of the chaos swirling around us? Nothing catches Him off guard. He is the same yesterday, today, and forver.

  4. So relevant, so true! If it weren't for the Good News, I couldn't handle the bad.

  5. That is a great post. God is our Rock no matter what. Hard times.

    I am going on a mission trip booked through American Air and I thought well, I will just pack it all in carry on-yeah right-but that is so crazy.

  6. Amen....=)We are in Him.

    We are citizens of His kingdom, and the welfare of the citizens is important to the King and for the flourishing of His kingdom.


  7. Oh yes Mike! Seek HIM!
    Greg: You are right, nothing new under the sun.
    Photo buffet: WHat a comfort to know we have ONE who is never caught "off guard"
    angie: What joyous Good News, indeed!
    ANgela: Praying for you on your mission trip!
    Sidharth:It is wonderful that our welfare is important to HIM!
    Thank you for all your thoughts everyone!

  8. Wonderful word today dear friend. Jesus is our stability in unstable times. Praise Him!

  9. hey lovely lady,this is stephanie, i don't mean to use your blog for this, but i don't know if you're still going to check your school email, but i need your street address. i love you!!

  10. I also wanted to invite you to a pilot Bible study I am doing at my blog. No pressure just pray about it and let me know if interested.
    Much love,

  11. Hey girl, I'm missing you and hoping you are enjoying your summer. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.


  12. Thank you! I need a bit of reminding every now and then that God has my life safe - it's so easy to forget!

    The Broken Man

  13. I miss you. I hope things are going well. Take care, connie fromTexas

  14. Hi! I was just checking in to say hello, but see that you must be busy with summer;) I hope all is well with you and your family.

  15. Thanks for encouraging us. I've given you an award. Stop by and pick it up!!
