Friday, November 30, 2007


You may remember that my darling daughters were home last weekend for Thanksgiving. Because of a late class on Monday, Molly was able to spend an extra night with us. So late Sunday afternoon my sweet angel headed into my closet to search for a sweater to wear to a party the following week. (I admit, I may have "puffed up" with a bit of motherly pride that she would actually want to borrow something of mine.) She proceeded to pull out three adorable Christmas sweaters. Examining each closely, she chose one and then turned and asked me "do you think this would be the best for my TACKY CHRISTMAS SWEATER PARTY?". Tacky?Tacky?? Does she really think this seven (OK, maybe 10)year old red sweater with large knitted snowmen is tacky? Did she not take notice of the adorable puffy "snow balls" attached to the zippers end? I was flabbergasted. Does she not recognize the value of this fashion treasure? The worth of that button nose or two eyes made out of knitted coal? Since I own this sweater I had attributed value that the eyes of my daughter did not see.

Value and worth. Those words come up a lot lately. They are often associated with what we do, what we wear, how we look. What one person may think is valuable or lovely or beautiful, another may not. A few are so confused about their own value that they may even want to give up. Maybe their past haunts them. Or their future terrifies them. The truth is, I often must remind myself of the good news that my value is not based on what I think. Or on what anyone else thinks. My value was established many years ago. When God chose to send His Son. His one and only Son. Because I am worth it. And you are worth it. Not because we are good, or righteous, or beautiful but because He is!

So this Christmas season I will thank Him once again for assuring me of my value. Our value. As seen through the eyes of our "Owner"!

Romans 5:6-8 says "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Praise HIM!


  1. Once again, wonderful words--from the sublime to the more serious. Thanks for the little giggle I got out of it too! ;)

  2. Hi Kim! What an awesome blessing to get a visit from you today and to find another woman who loves sharing about her faith in Christ and talking about food!! :)

    I love these words of yours;
    "When God chose to send His Son. His one and only Son. Because I am worth it. And you are worth it. Not because we are good, or righteous, or beautiful but because He is!"

    Amen and Absolutely! It is so easy to get our eyes fixed on who "we" are instead of Who Christ is in us.
    This is one of my desires, that He would increase and that I would decrease..

    It was so nice to meet up with you on the blogasphere, I look forward to coming back!

    Hey, I have another site dedicated to "FOOD". :)

    Blessings to you,

  3. And God's timing was,is and always will be PERFECT :]

  4. Thanks for visiting me and leaving comments. It is nice to meet you. More than that, someone who believes in and lives by the truths of Galations 2.20. I shall come back and read the rest of your post.
    The post about the sweater was a gem, I can just imagine your face.

  5. HI Kim, I enjoyed the run Saturday and hopefully I did not slow you down too much! Excellant post and encouragement. Keep up the great work and the running! Pam

  6. Mommy,
    Thank you so much for making me always feel valued and for showing me your love and the love of God for the past nearly 22 years! I love you so much!

  7. Oh yeah...and unfortunately for me...I forgot to ask you to bring me a "tacky" sweater for my Christmas party tonight! ;)

  8. Great words kim and I loved the story too. Thanks for passing along the words of wiscom. Please keep it up.


    PS I don't think the sweater was tacky. :)

  9. I loved the story about the tacky Christmas sweater. I, too, have a 22 year-old Ashleigh.

    Thank you for your post. You always have such an encouragment for me. What a blessing that our worth is found in our Savior.

  10. Kim cool story; made me laugh!

    Chris Jones -
