Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Partner

This past weekend I did something I didn't think I could do again. My dear friend and fellow FPer, Pam, and I ran a 5K together. I won't tell you we won. We didn't. I won't even tell you we ran a great time. We didn't. But we did run the race that both of us were, or at least I was, more than a little apprehensive about completing.

The weather could not have been more delightful. It was cool, but not too cold. The warm sun elevated the temperature enough to thaw our toes and nose. It was an absolutely marvelous December morning! The sidelines were full of cheering crowds. Clapping. Arms waving. Cheers of "Go, Go, Go". (It is possible that the crowds were just in a hurry for us to pass so the Annual Christmas Parade could begin, but the encouragement was welcome just the same.) But the very best part of the race was having a running partner!

Pam's continual encouragement is what made the race doable for me. We talked a bit. We laughed a bit. We slowed down for each other...OK, she slowed down for me. We kept each other going.

Down the first hill. Confidence. Back up another. Urging. Marking our distance. Reassurance. Simultaneously grabbing our cups at the water station. Refreshment. And finishing. What a great feeling to finish something you aren't even sure you can begin! All along being lifted up and encouraged by a fellow runner, a fellow sojourner. All the way to the finish line.

So it should be no surprise that this encouraging business is of HIS design! And it is not just for running a 5K race. It is for losing the weight. It is for being disciplined to study the Word. It is for tackling the job hunt. It is for facing a dire illness. It is for waiting for the right time or the right thing or the right person. Encouragement. It is for living the life.
Give it. Receive it. All the way to the finish line.

Romans 1:11-12 "I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith."

1 Thessalonians 5:11"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

Praise Him!

P.S. By the way, Pam and I did outrun one of the younger ladies.(so Pam, do I tell them she was six?)


  1. Running is such a good thing to do. It not only builds up your lungs but it is a great way to loose weight. I used to run a lot and am starting to get back into it again now because I gained a lot of weight the past few years. In addition to the other benefits you will find that running gives you a lot of time to think. I find it very soothing just like your blog.

    I used to run with a partner and you are right it makes it much easier. The fact that you ran the race makes you a winner in my book.

  2. Kim, remember the quote I was tring to think of in the race? Here it is correctly: "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start" Taking that first step (or baby step) is the miracle! I enjoyed the run and most of all your encouragement alone the way. It really did remind me that this is how God expects us each to encourage one another along this "race" of living each day. Let's run again soon! Pam

  3. Congratulations. I know the feeling - used to run but now I walk.
    Thanks for the comments on my blog I am looking forward to getting to know you more.
    A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step.

  4. Greg: I love running, I'm just not very fast. But you are right, the weight loss goes much more smoothly when I am running or at least exercising regularly. It is one of the First Place committments(the weight loss Bible study I am a part of)
    Thanks for ALL your Encouragement!
    Pam: Love that quote! We will run again soon!
    Barbara: You are so right. The road looks way too long until you take that first step!
    God is Great! Praise HIM!

  5. I am so proud of you! I can't imagine doing something like that. Way to go!
