We were driving down the road one afternoon this past summer when one of my daughters propped her feet up on the dash. I quickly reminded her to take them down, safety nut that I am, but not quickly enough to avoid her leaving her toe prints on the windshield. I must admit, it was a few months before the inside of my car was washed. Recently I headed out in my car and spotted them. The remainders of her swirly toe prints left from that summer stretch. She had left her mark!
Don't you know we are covered with the fingerprints of our HOLY DESIGNER? Before He began shaping us He decided just how He would make us. A sprinkle of this and a dash of that until finally we were just right for the purpose He planned for us. He formed us...think of that picture. With God's hands, the very hands that created the universe, was formed a girl or a boy.... on purpose. And He continues molding us even now, through our experiences, either those He allows or those He purposes. I love remembering that God himself DECIDED and then CREATED....ME. I love that those swirly impressions are still being left on me. His mark. No windex needed...these are prints I want to keep!
Lord, I praise you for "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Ps.139:14). I thank you that wherever I go, you are there, that you "have laid your hand upon me"(Ps. 139:5) and continue to leave your mark. And Lord let me never forget the prints you left for my salvation come from nail-scarred hands.
Praise Him!
Amen! Glad to find your blog. Thanks also for your visit and comment.
That was beautiful! I never thought about that. Love it. Thank you!
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